Abu Dhabi
Plastic Ban: Abu Dhabi bans one time-use plastics
Plastic Ban: Abu Dhabi bans one time-use plastics
Abu Dhabi bans disposable plastics Abu Dhabi authorities have announced that the use of single-use plastic bags will be banned from June 2022. The decision is based on Emirates’ integrated single-use plastic policy introduced in 2020. This is part of the UAE’s vision to improve sustainable living in Abu Dhabi.
The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) EAD commented that it plans to gradually reduce the quantity of single-use plastic products and promote the use of recyclable products throughout the emirate.
In this case, EAD plans to take steps to reduce the demand for up to 16 single-use plastic products, including cups, stirrups, lids and cutlery. In addition, EAD aims to phase out single-use steroidal foam cups, plates and utensils by 2024.
A comprehensive policy has been developed to promote a healthy environment and a sustainable lifestyle for all and to combat climate change by reducing resource consumption and associated pollution.